Tension teases upcoming 5 track Depression Breakfast EP which will see a Blowtorch Records vinyl release
Track: Tension
Band: Japanese Jesus
Released: March 10 2023
Tension is the new single from Limerick duo Japanese Jesus and is out on streaming platforms on March 10. It's the first single taken from a new 5 track EP Depression Breakfast which will see a digital and vinyl release later this year. The single was recorded by Mike Gavin/Ben Wanders, mastered by Wayne Adams and artwork is by Dan Holloway. It's accompanied by an excellent video directed by Tom Brewins.
With a deceptive fade in we are soon on board Japanese Jesus' armoured convoy of sound, kicking up a tightly focused punk racket. The sound has an American hard core edge to their Idles ferocity, yet the vocals are more European leaning with a hint of Jason Williamson from Sleaford Mods or even Mark E Smith's sneer. From the 1:50 mark the track heads in an unexpected but wholly excellent direction as Bertie brings out his falsetto on a euphoric psych interlude which wouldn't have been out of place on the first Stone Roses album.
Lyrically Tension is about people who create difficult and uncomfortable situations just for the craic. "I've got picture no sound, silent treatment, I can't hear it but I know it's there" succinctly sums that feeling of anxiety inducing awkwardness. As Bertie says "I think we all know someone who just takes pure joy in it."
Japanese Jesus are Bertie Kelly (Vocals, Guitars, Bass) and Denny Dunworth (Drums) from West Limerick. They previously played as Supermodel Twins in the noughties, recording their debut album with Noel Hogan of The Cranberries on production duties. Their sound now is much more alternative and punk. As our review of previous single Bus Weirdo noted, their sound "... is a welcome and timely reminder of the timeless potency of punk to punch you right between the ears and recalibrate you"
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