concrete twin

Not only shoegazers and post rock, Tokyo's concrete twin understand various sounds with their own ideas, and make a unique view of the world with their own sounds. Sometimes violent, sometimes like a quiet calm sea. They invite drunkenness, tremendous sound pressure and huge guitar noise. And a group that keeps showing daydreams in ambiguous songs whose meaning is dissolved and melted.


ShoegazerとTrip Hopの融合を企てるバンド。
メンバーは、nenne (vo)、オカダ (vo&g)、Yuki (ba)、U(drums)。
Shoegazer特有の轟音と儚さにTrip Hopの独特なビートと切ないメロディ
2015年に初のミニ・アルバム『those who are nothing』を発表(ソロワーク)。
2018年10月バンドとしての初音源『”Re:boots”sound source#01』を発表。
そして18年2月には、『”Newblood”sound source#02』をドロップ、絶賛をもって迎えられた。
concrete twin is a band that merges shoegaze and trip hop. Members are Okada (vocals, guitar), nenne (vocals), Yuki (bass) and U (drums).
concrete twin started out as a solo project by Hokkaido-born Okada in 2005, turning into a full band by January 2017. Performing live shows mainly in Tokyo, the band changed their sound along with band members in 2018.
With the characteristic exploding sound of shoegaze guitars, unique trip hop beats, heartbreaking melody lines and spacious arrangements that rivals the earth that nurtured Okada, the band continues to play and release music.
Their first mini album “those who are nothing”, a solo effort by Okada, was released in 2015. The first full band sound source “Re:boots#01” was released in October of 2018, followed by “Newblood #2” was released in February of 2019. Their newest release is "Re: Past" out March 2023.