When I was 6 years old I had to quit my dancing classes, which I loved the most in the world, because of physical illness. So instead, I began piano classes. Playing music was difficult for me because I craved dancing. Still I was one of the best students in the whole school. That is how my first poem at that time was written.
But I could not understand the reaction from my family about this poem. And because of my extreme sensitivity I became more protective about my creativity and slowly locked it behind thousands of locks.
Almost 30 years later inspired by Kate Bush I have found myself as a performer.
I am a word, sound and expression artist living in Finland.

So now I've got the courage to unlock all those thousand locks and open myself to the world. I collected all my poems written during all my life and shared them with my friends. It was a beginning for New Old Me, what I am now.

Garage Band and Maschine Mk3 give me the opportunity to create musical backgrounds for my texts. As a spoken word artist I got on stage for the first time in Helsinki in 2019. Since then my creativity has bloomed.
I am not from here
I am not from there
The part of me
In everywhere